824th Commission Meeting - COM(86) PV 824
Document date: 23 April 1986Identity Statement
Content and Structure
Draft agenda of the 824th meeting of the Commission: Travaux du PE, travaux du Comité des Représentants permanents, contrôle de l’application du droit communautaire, procédures écrites et habilitations, questions administratives et budgétaires diverses, budget, nouvelles orientations pour la gestion du Fonds social, aviation civil, concurrence.
Also includes: Notes for the Commissioner : audio-visual : Commissioner Carlo Ripa di Meano's proposal to finance the industry, farm prices, budget, ESF (European Social fund) guidelines 1987/89, state aids and infringements : France – aid for energy and textile industry, Italy – aid to chemical sector. Document de travail – Liste des zones de chomage eleve et de longue duree et/ou en restrucutral industrielle et sectorielle (annexe aux orientations de la Commisson pour la gestion du F.S.E. pour les exercises 1987 à 1989. Study on procedural questions of US patent law (confidential removed until further notice)
Conditions of Access and Use
Some curriculum vitae have been removed for privacy reasons.
English, French