Working Groups, Ad Hoc Groups ....
Documents from [1981] to [1993]Identity Statement
Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
During the General Assembly in 1983 a large majority decided that the Permanent Commissions should be replaced by working groups and open meetings with a specific topic and objective. During the eighties activities of working groups were particularly intensive.
A special initiative was the creation in 1986 of the ACP/EC Youth Co-operation with the aim to develop co-operation between youth organisations in ACP States and Europe. A major success was the recognition of the role of youth in the Lomé process by explicit recognition of youth in the development process in the Lomé IV Convention in 1989. The permanent "ACP/EC Youth Co-operation Assembly" created in Marly Le Roi in April 1990 agreed on a political statement, a co-operation programme for 1990-1995 and an agreement protocol on the co-operation network.
The series hereafter comprises the documents and working papers produced by the working groups and the ACP/EC Youth Co-operation.