Documents from [1995] to [2005]Identity Statement
Previti, Catherine
Content and Structure
'Für ein Europa der Bürger' bei C. Schöndube: Beitrag zur Kampagne für eine Europäische Bürgerschaft (18/11/1995). Minutes of the mettings of the Joint Commission. Summary of discussion of the JEF/UEF Task force IGC96 (03/1996). Compte rendu du séminaire de la task force de la campagne pour une Assemblée comstituante européenne réuni à Munsbach (13/12/1997). Report of the first meeting of the JEF-UEF Reform Committee (03/06/1999). 'The failure of Nice ( ): Reflections on the federalist strategy beyond Nice' by P. Vacca [2001]. Declaration JEF-UEF 'On a single seat for the EU in UN Security Council' (10/2004). Report on the seminar 'The EU and the successing states of the USSR' (02/2005).
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