Negotiations for Lend-Lease Agreement
Documents from 18 November 1943 to [11/1945]Identity Statement
Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
File pertaining to efforts to reach agreement between US and CFNL on securing a less restrictive lend-lease agreement and Jean Monnet's efforts to inorn out the public difficulties between the two countries on the matter, includes, note in Oscar Cox' diary regarding Monnet's threatened resignation, due to the lack of adequate supplies being allocated for Metropolitan France. Memorandum to President regarding the printing of additional French currency to implement anti-inflationary programme in France. Information on building up of adequate supplies for France. Problems in differentiating between Military aid supplies and civilian supplies, where cash payment necessary. - Memo for President on proposed lend-lease agreement with the French, outline of basis for mutual aid agreement with revisions from July 1944. Memo for President regarding considerations with respect to possible recognition by principal allied governments of a provisional government of France. - Information on Bidault's disappointment that Caffrey was not appointed as US Representative to de facto Government. - State Department memo stating that maintenance of the civilian economy of liberated areas was an essential instrument of total war. - Memo to President from Leo Crowley, FEA Director, regarding intensification of war and need for France to become a base of operations, with its resources fully utilised to speed up defeat of axis by furnishing of lend- lease for supplies and services. - Letter to Harry Hopkins, Special Adviser to President, requesting allocation of tonnage for 1945. - Information on signature of French lend-lease agreement. -
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The originals are held in various Archives in Europe and in the USA