North Africa
Documents from 20 December 1940 to 04 June 1942Identity Statement
Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
Material concerning situation in North Africa, includes: documents dealing with recommendations for French military action in the war in North Africa and the Mediterranean,- note to Felix Frankfurter from Jean Monnet, enclosing information on the issue of arming French forces in North Africa with American equipment,- memorandum regarding the asassination of Admiral Darlan and the ensuing political and administrative vacuum, Jean Monnet emphasises need for a solemn declaration to establish a Co-ordinating Council with General Giraud as its chairman to deal with civilian administration which would safeguard the rights and interests of the French people | draft paper by Herbert Feis, State Department, on military situation in North Africa regarding need for allied co-operation with French in the task of liberating Europe | material regarding General Giraud's abrogation of the Cremieux decree, concerns status of Algerian Jews regarding citizenship and Edouard de Rothschilds stance against it. Felix Frankfurter and Dean Acheson seek clarification on situation.
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Allied Materials
The originals are held in various Archives and Presidential Libraries in the USA