The Inter-Governmental Conference (IGC) 1996

Documents from [1995] to [1996]

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Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg

Content and Structure


Philip Morris Institute for Public Policy Research: Beyond Maastricht: the Issues at Sake in the 1996 IGC. January, 1995.
V. Miller and R. Ware: Towards the IGC: The Emerging Agenda. International Affairs and Defence Section of the House of Commons Library Research Paper No. 95/27. February 1995.
JUSTICE: The 1996 Inter-Governmental Conference. June 1995
House of Commons' Foreign Affairs Committee Third Report: European Union: Preparations for the 1996 Inter-Governmental Conference. July 1995.
M. Piepenschneider: Regierungskonferenz 1996: Synopse der Reformvorschläge zur Europäischen Union. Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung Arbeitspapier. August1995.
Philip Morris Institute for Public Policy Research: How can the EU's Voters have their Say? December 1995
Belmont European Policy Centre: Challenge 96: IGC Intelligence Service. Issues 2 (April 1995), 3 (June 1995) and 4 (September 1995).
F. Vibert: A Core Agenda for the 1996 Inter-Governmental Conference. European Policy Forum 1995.
Id.: Structured Flexibility in the European Union. European Policy Forum. August 1996.
Y. Devuyst: The European Union's future: a Preview of the Intergovernmental Conference of 1996. 1995.
Federal Trust for Education and Research: Towards the Single Currency: the Intergovernmental Conference of the European Union 1996. 1995.
Federal Trust for Education and Research: Building the Union: the Intergovernmental Conference of the European Union 1996. 1995.
Federal Trust for Education and Research: Security of the Union: the Intergovernmental Conference of the European Union 1996. 1995.
P. Ludlow (a.o.): Preparing for 1996 and a Larger European Union : principles and priorities. 'Centre for European Policy Studies Special Report No. 6. 1995.
The Local Government International Bureau: 1996-The Local Government Agenda. For a Local Europe: Diverse, Democratic and Decentralised. [1995].
Conseil national du patronat Français (CNPF): Pour une Europe dynamique et cohérente. [1995].
European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN): EAPN Proposals for the Revision of the Treaties. January 1996.
Commission of the European Communities: Commission opinion: Reinforcing Political Union and preparing for Enlargement. February, 1996.
General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union: Intergovernmental Conference on the Revision of the Treaties: Italian presidency (January-June 1996): Collected Texts. July, 1996.
House of Commons' Foreign Affairs Committee Third Report: The Inter-Governmental Conference. July 1996.
M. Saeter: The Nordic Countries and the Perspective of a 'Core' Europe. Norwegian Institute of International Affairs Working Paper no. 558. September 1996.
E. Geoffrey: Flexibility and the Treaty of Amsterdam : Europe's New Byzantium? 1997.

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