Documents from [1984] to [2000]Identity Statement
Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Diplomatic Service: Basic facts and Figures [1984].
G. Meester, D. Strijker: Het Landbouwbeleid voorbij de Scheidslijn van Zelfvoorziening. Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid 1985.
Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid: Financing the European Community. 1988 (English and Dutch versions).
Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). Vol. 139, no. 205, 27/10/1988.
Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). Vol. 147, no. 56, 23/02/1989.
General Secretariat of the Council of the European Communities: The Council of the European Community. An Introduction to its Structures and Activities. 1990.
Belmont European Policy Centre: From Luxembourg to Maastricht: 100 Critical Days for Europe. 1991.
P. Luff: The Simple Guide to Maastricht. European Movement. 1992.
Commission of the European Communities' TACIS Information Office: Report on Activities 1992. [s.d.].
Commission of the European Communities 'TACIS Information Office: TACIS Synthesis of Action Programmes 1992. [s.d.].
Institute of European Affairs: European Document Series. No. 1, Spring 1993.
Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung: Europa auf dem Weg zur politischen Union. Dokumentation eines Kongresses der Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung. August 1993.
Council of the European Union: Council Guide. 3 Vol.s 1997.
European Parliament Directorate General for Research: The Impact of the Amsterdam Treaty on Justice and Home Affairs Issues. Vol. I and II, 2000.
Conditions of Access and Use
English, German