Creation of the European University Institute

Documents from [1960] to [1975]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg

Content and Structure


File contains correspondence, notes and other documents collected and created by Max Kohnstamm, President of the Preparatory Committee for the European University Institute (1972-1975).
Notably it includes:
- "L'Università Europea a Firenze" (speech by Mayor of Florence G. La Pira held on 15/05/1961 in occasion of the buying ceremony of a building in Marignolle).
- Draft of the Italian law presented by the "Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione" establishing an European University (11/1963) and note analysing the text [1963/1964].
- Draft of the Convention regulating the intellectual and financial contribution of the European Communities' member states to the European University, presented by the Italian Government (1963).
- Report by P. Pescatore on the negotiations for the Setting-Up of a European University in preparation of the first meeting of the "Pescatore Working Group" (17/01/1964).
- Article by G. Vedovato "L'università Europea, oggi. Les échanges universitaires et l'Université européenne". In: Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali, Anno XXXVII nn. 1 e 3, 1970.
- "Conférence intergouvernementale de Rome des 01-03/02/1971": final report by the conference's secretariat and note on its results elaborated by the General Secretariat of the European Communities' Commission ([SEC(71)691], 22/02/1971).
- Meeting of the Preparatory Committee of 18-19/01/1973 (note by member of the EC's working group "Enseignement et Education" F.P. Mercereau, 22/01/1973. Meeting with librarians on 17/09/1974 (participants list only) and survey by J. Stolzenburg on the future library.
- Viewpoints of Higher Education institutions such as "Université de Paris-Sorbonne", "Association des Instituts d'Etudes europeéennes" (AIEE) and the The Johns Hopkins University Bologna Center on profile, organisation and future co-operation with the EUI (1973-1974).
- Documents created by German, Italian and French legislative institutions (1972-1974). [Camera dei deputati, Disegno di legge presentato dal ministro degli Affari Esteri Medici di concerto col ministro del Bilancio e della Programmazione Economica Taviani, col ministro del Tesoro Malagodi, col ministro della Pubblica Istruzione Scalfaro, col ministro dei Lavori Pubblici Gullotti e col ministro delle Finanza Valsecchi: Ratifica ed esecuzione della Convenzione relativa alla creazione di un Istituto Universitario Europeo, firmata a Firenze il 19 aprile 1972, con allegato Protocollo sui privilegi e sulle immunità e Atti connessi, seduta del 5 ottobre 1972, n. 862; Assemblé Nationale, Avis presenté au nom de la Commission des Affaires culturelles, familiales et sociales sur le projet de loi (n. 194) autorisant la ratification de la Convention portant création d’un Institut universitaire européen, de l’Acte final joint et du Protocole sur les privilèges et immunités de l’Institut universitaire européen, signés à Florence le 19 avril 1972, n. 359; Assemblé Nationale, Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des Affaires etrnagères sur le projet de loi (n. 194) autorisant la ratification de la Convention portant création d’un Institut universitaire européen, de l’Acte final joint et du Protocole sur les privilèges et immunités de l’Institut universitaire européen, signés à Florence le 19 avril 1972, n. 412; Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung, Entwurf eines Gesetzes zu dem Űbereikomment vom 19 April 1972 űber die Grűndung eines Europäischen Hochschulinstituts, 1657 ]
- 290th meeting of European Ministers for Education on 06/06/1974 in Luxembourg: verbatim of discussion concerning agenda points 1, 2 and 3 and text of Max Kohnstamm's speech.
- Press cuttings from European newspapers (1960-1975).
- 5 photographs of a non identified event with the presence of the President of the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly G. Vedovato. 1 photograph of Max Kohnstamm, EUI's future Secretary General M. Buzzonetti and the Mayor of Florence L. Bausi at Palazzo Vecchio on 10/12/1973.

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English, French, German, Italian

Type of Archival Materials

Photograph, Textual

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