Meetings of Preparatory Committee for the European University Institute
Meetings of Preparatory Committee for the European University Institute
Documents from [1972] to [1975]
Identity Statement
Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
File contains the minutes of the meetings of the Preparatory Committee for the European University Institute created by the Council of the European Communities. The meetings are:
- 1972:20/07 and 15-17/11 (EUI's profile, grants). Documents 1331/72 (EN 46), 2074/72 (EN 75), 1958/72(EN 70) and 2107/72 (EN 78).
- 1973: 19/01 (EUI's profile), 02-02/04 (Villa Tolomei), 27/04 (selection of first eight teaching staff members, researcher's grants), 07/03, 11/05, 22/06 and 25/06 (provisional installation at the Badia Fiesolana, library), 24/05, 26/06, 12/09, 11/10 and 16/11 (researcher's grants), 25-26/06 (library), 18-19/10 and 22-23/11 (regulatory texts and ratification of Convention), 10-11/12 (organisation of information meeting in Florence). Documents 263/73 (EN 10), 994/73 (EN 55), 1043/73 (EN 58), 1241/73 (EN 69), 1239 e/73 (EN 68), 1410/73 (EN 84), 1477/73 (EN 85), 1400/73 (EN 81), 1478/73 (EN 86), 2157/73 (EN 121), 2182/73 (EN 123), 2380/73 (EN 127), 2380/73 (EN 127) rev. 1.
- 1974: 23/01 (ratification of Convention, regulatory texts, contract for the President and the Secretary General and selection of first eight teaching staff members). 07/03 (provisional installation at the Badia Fiesolana, regulatory texts, grants and budget estimates). 25-26/04 [sic] and 06/06 (regulatory texts and setting up of a Budget and Finance Committee). 26/06 (statutory texts and ratification of Convention). 12/07 meeting of "sous-commission Sciences économiques" (academic profile of Economic Department). 18/09 (ratification of Convention and prepartion of firts session of EUI's High Council). 04/12 (seat and social security scheme for staff). 06/12 (meeting in prefiguration of the Academic Council: EUI's seat and profile, short list first teaching staff members). Documents 414/74 (EN 10), 606/74 (EN 15), 886/74 (EN 25), 934/74 (EN 27), 938/74 (EN 28), 1016/74 (EN 33), 1150/74 (EN 39), 1440/74 (EN 45), 1954/74 (EN 63, FIN 695), 26/75 (EN 1).
- 1975: 24-25/02 (new memberships in Convention, remuneration of staff and regulatory texts). Documents 371/75 (EN 46).
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