132nd IPC meeting: Paris from 13/03 to 14/03/1993

Documents from 05 May 1993 to 23 September 1993

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Original Reference Code
Extent and Medium


Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Casar, Andreja

Content and Structure


Official issues : draft revised agenda, list of participants, draft minutes.
Relevant subjects : outstanding action items, general studies programme 1993-1994, procurement proposals, contract proposals, In-orbit technology demonstration programme, start-up of the General Support Technology Programme (GSTP), proposed modifications to the contract regulations, GaAs on Si/Ge solar cells, status of the Columbus attached laboratory, phase B study of automated manipulation and transportation system for Columbus APM. As addendum: request of amendments by the French delegation. As annex: list of documents contained in each grouped procurement proposal package

Conditions of Access and Use


English, French

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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