3. PB-RS meeting : Paris on 21/06/1979
Documents from 01 June 1979 to 19 July 1979Identity Statement
Microfiche, Paper
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues : draft agendas, list of participants, draft minutes.
Relevant subjects : Progress report on the Land Applications Satellite Sustem (LASS) and Coastal Oceans Monitoring Satellite System (COMSS) Phase-A studies
Updated list of tasks an studies concerning the Remote Sensing Preparatory Programme (RSPP)
Preliminary description of the contributions in kind to the RSPP from France and Germany)
Earthnet (progress report, distribution of experimental data, prices)
Remote Sensing experiments (preliminary report on the use of the Cnadian SAR-580 facility in Europe)
Earth Oriented Research (provisional role of the PB-RS).
As Annex n.2 : statement by the Director General of Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) on Canadian participation in the LASS and COMSS Preparatory Programme
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French