
Documents from 11 November 1941 to 16 December 1943

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Original Reference Code
NARA, RG 59 n. 5075,5076, RG 165 n. 146 n. 107, RG 160 n. 1122, ROOSEVELT LIBRARY, HOPKINS PAPERS n. 173 LEND-LEASE, COX PAPERS n. 111
Extent and Medium


Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary


Immediate Source of Acquisition


Content and Structure


File containing information on the arrangement of supplies to North Africa by the Office of Lend-Lease Administration in collaboration with the Department of State, includes: letter to Secretary of War Stimson from dean Acheson Assistant Secretary of State asking that the lend-lease accounts of the French forces in North Africa by considered sperately from those furnished to the French National Committee. - Memo to Rossevelt from Eisenhower regarding definitve policy for the equipping of French North African forces. - Report to Stettinius, Lend-Lease administrator from Livingston L. Short, Chief Import Division North Africa Economic Board regarding failure to secure transportation on US side. - Correspondence between Robert Murphy, Chief Civil Administrator and Couve de Murville, Commandement en Chef Français Civil e Militaire regarding undertakings of Lend Lease Act 1941. - Telegram from American Consul to Secretary of State regarding lack of supplies and need to obtain adequate cargoes. - Information on Jean Monnet's request as Commissioner for Armament, Supply and Reconstruction, for information concerning goods destined for the civil population in North and West Africa and his refusal to propose to Charles de Gaulle an agreement which seemed to grant less acceptance of the Comite Françis de la Liberation Nationale than had been accorded by the US to the French National Committee. - Progress report on reciprocal aid negotiations. Letter to Alexander B. Royce, director of War Economic Operations from Monnet concerning acceptance by US of Lend-Lease and reciprocal Aid agreements. - Text of Monnet's speech on completion of agreement on reciprocal aid in French North and West Africa, views it as symbol of solidarity. - Information on possibility of limited resumption of private trade between US and French North and French West Africa and changes in basis of lend-lease functions in import division, involving the assumption of increased responsibility by the French. Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, not in favour of Foreign Economic Administration communicating directly with Monnet on this subject.

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Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

Location of Originals

The originals are held in various Archives in Europe and in the USA

Publication Notes



Notes and Remarks


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