MFA-GR-3, 6, 8, 48, 50, 52.

Central Registry 1964 (Second and Third Directorates)

Document from [1964] to [1964]
Finding Aids:

Printed inventory and electronic database under preparation

Access Conditions:

Not accessible yet. Under classification

Extent and Medium:

13 files


- European Economic Community (EEC), harmonisation of the agricultural policy of Greece, Common Market - Political union of Europe, Plans - Proposals - European Parliament - European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). Negotiations - Council of Europe. Consultative Assembly, Discussions on the Cyprus question, position of Greece and Turkey, Refugees - Rehabilitation Fund, Conference of Ministers of Education, Parliamentary Assembly - Greek Representatives, European Cooperation, census of the population of the member-states - Members, Election of the Secretary General, Experts' Committee, Permanent Representation, movement of persons between members-states of the Council of Europe and countries outside it

Fonds Creator:

Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Athens

Legal Status Notes:

Publication of documents is not permitted without prior permission of the Service of Diplomatic and Historical Archives

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