David Harley Notebook No. 1

Documents from 30 January 1989 to 13 February 1989

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Carr, Mary

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Meeting between Lord Plumb and President Arias, President of Costa Rica, 30/1/89, topics discussed: blocked peace process, European Parliament's (EP) position - "no peace without democracy"; Subjects for impending press conference: debt, EP’s role in Latin American conflicts, in defence of democracy and human rights, visit to Argentina; Arias’ difficulties in persuading [President] Reagan, US President to stop helping Contras in Costa Rica. US finally agreeing to help peace process but Cuba and USSR aiding guerrillas; Need for EC to push for compliance of "Guatemala Accord"; Reasons why Costa Rica did not ratify the Central American Parliament (PARLACEN); Arias’ Nobel peace prize win; President Arias’ revelation that prospects for peace in Central America not good; Harley’s notes on meeting: question of sovereignty in the creation of the Central American Parliament; Aid to Costa Rica; Peace plan
Meeting 1 April 1989 with [Raimundo] Bassols, Spanish Ambassador to Argentina, discussed: economy, military, terrorism
Meeting between Plumb and [US] Secretary of State, 1 April 1989, discussed: trade negotiations, GATT, sanctions, discrimination against UK goods
Meeting between Plumb and Víctor Hipólito Martínez, Vice-President of Argentina, 1 April 1989, discussed: agriculture Vis à Vis EC, regional cooperation, Latin American economies, drugs and terrorism, Argentinian meat
Meeting between Plumb and Raúl Ricardo Alfonsín, President of Argentina, 2 February 1989, discussed Argentinian and UK relations, Argentina and EC "hopes from this visit…cooperation linking Argentina and whole of EC…. May be that EC could help solve apparent conflict UK/Argentina", debt of gratitude to EP with Human Rights prize, Argentina’s struggle against extreme left and extreme right factions and populism. EP welcomes attempts to create Central American Parliament; Malvinas - need for solutions: Bilateral trade relations UK/Argentina. Plumb: European Parliament vehicle to get parties round the table; Agriculture: Control of CAP exports by EC
In same notebook, notes on Olympics Barcelona and EP Staff Committee
Notes on Barcelona Olympics: ECU being used as means of showing "United Europe"; EP and Barcelona Olympics Committee will set up Joint Committee to ensure European input. Meetings at Maragall, Barcellona in preparation for Olympics

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