NGOs and Others' Amendments and Contributions (April - June 2000)

Documents from 04 April 2000 to 30 June 2000

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HAEU Reference Code
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Zantedeschi, Francesca

Content and Structure


- Contributions: Contribution submitted by European Justice and Peace Commissions, International Federation of Leagues for Human Rights (FIDH), European Migrant’s Forum, International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC), KAIROS Europe, Pax Cristi International, Representatives of Communities of African Origin, and Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) [CHARTE 4198/00]; Confédération Europénne des Syndicats Indépendants (CESI) [CHARTE 4213/00]; Beitrag von Herrn Thomas Clement zu den Bürgerrechten [CHARTE 4216/00]; Contribución de Isaac Ibáñez García sobre el Derecho de Petición [CHARTE 4217/00]; Beitrag von Evangelischen Akademie Thüringen zu Forderungen des Frauentagung [CHARTE 4249/00]; Platform on European Social NGOs and the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) [CHARTE 4194/1/00 REV 1]; Eversheds Business Lawyers in Europe [CHARTE 4257/00]; Contribution on CHARTE 4112/2/00 REV 2 concerning Fundamental Social rights by Klaus Lörcher [CHARTE 4265/00]; Beitrag des deutschen Städte- und Gemeindebundes [CHARTE 4275/00]; Centre Européen des Entreprises à Participation Publique et des Entreprises d’Intérêt Économique Général (CEEP) [CHARTE 4277]; Confederation of British Industry (CBI) [CHARTE 4298/00]; International Institute for Right of Nationality and Regionality [CHARTE 4301/00]; Contribution avec amendments sur les propositions du Présidium soumises par Lobby Européen des Femmes (LEF) [CHARTE 4302/00]; Beiträge des Kolpingwerks Europa [CHARTE 4311/00]; Association of the Women of Southern Europe (AFEM) [CHARTE 4314/00]; Beitrag des Deutschen Städte- und Gemeindebundes zum Recht auf Selbstverwaltung [CHARTE 4318/00]; Danish Organisation of organisations of Disabled People (DSI) [CHARTE 4319/00]; Contribution avec la position de la COFACE [CHARTE 4320/00]; European Broadcasting Union (EBU) [CHARTE 4321/00]; Contribution submitted by the Church and Society Commission of the Conference of European Churches with a letter to Roman Herzog and a report from the Plenary Meeting of the Commission (Moscow on 5-9 May 2000) [CHARTE 4323/00]; Syndicats français [CHARTE 4325/00] and [CHARTE 4325/00 COR 1]; Aktionsgemeinschaft Dienst für den Frieden e.V [CHARTE 4326/00]; Contribution des syndicats français avec propositions d’amendements aux dernières rédactions établies par le Présidium [CHARTE 4327/00]; European Forum for the Arts and Heritage (EFAH) [CHARTE 4334/00] and [CHARTE 4334/1/00 REV 1]; Force Ouvrière avec observations sur le projet de Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne [CHARTE 4335/00]; Confederación de Asociaciones de Vecinos, Consumidores y Usuarios de España (CAVE) [CHARTE 4336/00]; Contribution avec proposition d’amendment pour l’article sur le droit d’asile (plusieurs ONGs) [CHARTE 4337/00]; Confédération Française des Travailleurs Chrétiens (syndicat CFTC) [CHARTE 4338/00]; High Commissioner for Refugees of the United Nations with a letter and comments on the Right of Asylum [CHARTE 4339/00]; Conférence des Notariats de l’Union Européenne (CNUE) [CHARTE 4341/00]; Beitrag von Herrn. Prof. Dr. Martin Stock, Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft, zur Medienfreiheit [CHARTE 4342/00]; European Children’s Network (EURONET) on CONVENT 28 and 34 [CHARTE 4343/00]; Beitrag von des Paritätischen Wohlfahrtsverbands – Gesamtverband [CHARTE 4345/00]; High Commissioner for refugees of the United Nations regarding the right of asylum [CHARTE 4353/00]; Fédération Internationale de l’ACAT – Action Chrétienne pour l’Abolition de la Torture (FI. ACAT) [CHARTE 4354/00]; Contribution by three trade union organisations (LO, TCO and SACO) in Sweden regarding worker’s right in the EU Treaty [CHARTE 4355]; Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE) de España [CHARTE 4356/00]; International FoodFirst Information and Action Network (FIAN) with proposals for amendments [CHARTE 4357/00]; Institut pour la Démocratie, Paris [CHARTE 4362/00]; European Centre of the International Council Women (ECICW) [CHARTE 4364/00]; Church of Scientology regarding freedom of religion and belief in the European Charter of Fundamental Rights [CHARTE 4365/00]; Bernhard Wegener on environmental protection [CHARTE 4368/00]; Law Society of England and Wales [CHARTE 4380/00]; Danish Centre for Human Rights [CHARTE 4381/00]; Initiativ Liewensufank, International Baby Food Action Network and World Alliance for Brestfeeding [CHARTE 4382/00]; Mr. C.J. Walsh on Sustainable Design and Construction [CHARTE 4388/00]; Consulta per la Giustizia Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo (presso il Consiglio dell’Ordine degli Avvocati di Roma) [CHARTE 4391/00]; Beitrag betreffend des Schutz des Privatsphäre, vorgelegt von Herrn Gerhard Schmid, Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments [CHARTE 4394/00].

- Contributions with a view to the hearing on 27/04/00: European Forum for Freedom in Education (EFFE) [CHARTE 4215/00]; Conseil des communes et régions d’Europe (CCRE) [CHARTE 4220/00]; Initiative "Netzwerk Dreigliederung" ahead of the public hearing on 27/04/00 [CHARTE 4228/00]; Association of German Public Service Broadcasting Corporations (ARD) and German Television (ZDF) [CHARTE 4229/00]; Beitrag des Diakonischen Werks des Evangelischen Kirsche in Deutschland [CHARTE 4230/00]; Association of Women of Southern Europe (AFEM) [CHARTE 4231/00]; Conference of European Churches [CHARTE 4233/00]; Union of Industrial and Employers’ Confederations of Europe (UNICE) [CHARTE 4236/00]; European Union of Christian Democratic Workers (EUCDW) [CHARTE 4239/00]; European Children’s Network (EURONET) [CHARTE 4240/00]; Carrefour pour une Europe civique et sociale (CAFECS) [CHARTE 4241/00]; European Housing Forum (EHF) [CHARTE 4242/00]; Collectif pour la Charte des droits fondamentaux (CCDF) [CHARTE 4243/00]; Conseil Central des Communautés Philosophiques non-Confessionelles (CCL) [CHARTE 4244/00]; "Terre Des Hommes France" [CHARTE 4245/00]; European Region of the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA-Europe) [CHARTE 4246/00]; European Women’s Lobby [CHARTE 4247/00]; Eurocities, soumise par M. Delebecque, vice-président de la Communauté Urbaine de Lille [CHARTE 4248/00]; European Blind Union [CHARTE 4250/00]; Office catholique d’information et d’initiative pour l’Europe (OCIPE) [CHARTE 4251/00]; "World Conference on Religion & Peace" (WCRP) [CHARTE 4252/00]; International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) with a view to the hearing on 27/04/00 [CHARTE 4232/00 ADD1]; Beitrag des Bundesverbandes Deutscher Zeitungsverleger e.V. zur Pressefreiheit [CHARTE 4346/00].

- Contributions submitted at the hearing on 27/04/00: Plate-forme des ONG européennes du secteur social, soumise par Olivier Gerhard [CHARTE 4256/00]; Union of European Federalists (UEF) [CHARTE 4258]; European Newspaper Publishers’ Association (ENPA) [CHARTE 4259/00]; Fédération Humaniste Européenne [CHARTE 4260/00]; Young European Federalists (JEF) [CHARTE 4262/00]; Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe [CHARTE 4263/00]; Conférence des Régions Périphériques maritimes d’Europe (CRPM) [CHARTE 4264/00]; Society for Threatened Peoples International [CHARTE 4266/00]; Intervention du Mouvement international ATD Quart Monde [CHARTE 4268/00]; Exposé de la Fédération des Associations Familiales Catholiques en Europe [CHARTE 4274/00]; Intervention de l’OCIPE [CHARTE 4276/00]; Intervention by the Franciscans (Commission for Justice, Peace and Integration of Creation) [CHARTE 4278/00]; Presentation by the General Council of the Bar of England and Wales [CHARTE 4282/00]; Intervention du Comité européem de coordination de l’habitat social (CECODHAS) [CHARTE 4287/00]; Presentation by the European Landowner’s Organisation (ELO) [CHARTE 4291/00]; Presentation by "European citizens and their associations" (ECAS) [CHARTE 4294/00]; Intervention by the European Council of Steiner Waldorf Schools [CHARTE 4296/00]; Intervention by James Wilson, Bass Hotels &b Resorts (Bass PLC) [CHARTE 4328/00]; European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) on the right to asylum [CHARTE 4329/00]; Contribution submitted by International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) with the statement presented at the hearing on 27/04/00 and the proposal for an amendment to article 4 [CHARTE 4340/00]; Intervention du Forum des Migrants de l’Union européenne [CHARTE 4349/00]; Eurochambres (Association des Chambres de Commerce et d’Industrie européennes) [CHARTE 4366/00]; Amendments and intervention by CAFECS [CHARTE 4369/00].

- Recommendation and report by the Council of Europe on Protection of human rights and dignity of the terminally ill and dying (Recommendation 1418(1999) and Doc.8421 of 21 May 1999), submitted by Reinhard Rack, member of the German Bundestag [CHARTE 4219].

- Comments submitted by Amnesty International – EU Association, to the proposed draft articles 1-30, civil and political rights [CHARTE 4331/00].

- Submissions: Confederation of British Industry (CBI) [CHARTE 4226/00]; Eingabe der Vereinigung zur Förderung des Petitionsrechts in der Demokratie e.V. [CHARTE 4312/00].

- Statements and Position papers: Vorläufige Stellungnahme der "European Co-operation in Anthroposophical Curative Education and Social Therapy" (ECCE) [CHARTE 4223/00]; Stellungnahme des Forum Menschenrechte zur Grundrechtscharta [CHARTE 4224/00]; Statement submitted by the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages (EBLUL) with a view tot he hearing on the 27 April 2000 [CHARTE 4237/00]; Stellungnahme des Europäischen Forums für Freiheit im Bildungswese (EFFE) anlässlich der Anhörung vom 27. April 2000 [CHARTE 4253/00]; Prise de position du Diakonisches Werk des Evangelischen Kirche Deutschlands à l’occasion de l’audition du 27/04/00 [CHARTE 4254/00]; Stellungnahme des Europäischen Union Christlich-Demokratischer Arbeitsnehmer (EUCDA) zur Einbeziehung sozialer Grundrechte anlässlich der Anhörung am 27. April 2000 [CHARTE 4255/00]; Position paper of the Irish Business Bureau (IBB) and Employers Confederation (IBEC) following the hearing of 27/04/00 [CHARTE 4273/00]; Statement by the Food First Information and Action Network (FIAN-International) for Forum Menschenrechte given at the hearing on 27 April 2000 [CHARTE 4283/00]; Common statement of the Platform of European Social NGOs and the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) given at the public hearing on 27/04/00 [CHARTE 4286/00]; Stellungnahme des Kommission Europa des Deutschen Juristinnenbundes [CHARTE 4289/00]; Position and statement by Amnesty International given at the hearing on 27/04/00 [CHARTE 4290/00]; Position paper from Eurolink Age on occasion of the public hearing on 27/04/00 [CHARTE 4293/00]; Stellungnahme der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) im Hinblick auf die Anhörung am 27. April 2000 [CHARTE 4300/00]; Position paper submitted by the Engineering Employer’s Federation (EEF) [CHARTE 4317/00], and Comments on the new proposals for the articles on economic and social rights and for horizontal clauses (Charter 4316/2000, CONVENT 34) [CHARTE 4350/00]; Common statement of NGOs on "the Quality Test" of the Charter [CHARTE 4324/00]; Position des Verbandes Privater Rundfunk und Telekommunikation e.V. [CHARTE 4347/00]; Stellungnahme von Herrn Karl Hermann Haack, Mitglied des deutschen Bundestags [CHARTE 4351/00]; Stellungnahme des Deutschen Gewerksschaftsbundes (DGB) zum Vorschlag des Präsidiums des Konvent zur Aufnahme sozialer Rechte in die Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union (CONVENT 34) [CHARTE 4363/00], and [CHARTE 4379]; Prise de position par le Bureau de l’association Maison de l’Europe du Land Brandenburg [CHARTE 4384].

- Letters: Letter submitted by the Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights to the Convention [CHARTE 4279/00]; Briefe der Jungen Europäischen Föderalisten (JEF) an Herrn Bundespräsidenten a.d. Roman Herzog [CHARTE 4288/00]; Open letter to the Convention and the intervention by the Federation of National Organisation Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA) at the hearing on 27/04/00 [CHARTE 4292/00]; Letter and statement submitted by the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural rights [CHARTE 4315/00]; Letter and campaign submitted by "Cooperativa Pangea", Rome [CHARTE 4361/00]; Letter from the Deutschen Mennonitischen Friedenskomittee (DMFK) – Mennonite Peace Committeee on Conscientious Objection to Military Service [CHARTE 4378/00].

- Observations: Observations sur CHARTE 4149/00, 4137/00, 4170/00, 4192/00, 4193/00, 4227/00 et 4235/00, élaborés par le gouvernement, le ministère des affaires étrangères et le ministère de la justice de l’Allemagne [CHARTE 4281/00].

- Press release: Press release of the 106th session of the Committee of Ministers (10-11 May 2000) submitted by the Council of Europe [CHARTE 4313/00]; Press release issued by the Platform of European Social NGOs [CHARTE 4387/00].

- Transmission: Textes relatifs á l’audition de la société civile du 27 avril 2000 (Extract) [CHARTE 4358/00].

- Reports: European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (GEE) [CHARTE 4370/00].

- Statements given at the hearing of the candidate countries on 19 June 2000: H.E Mr. A. Piebalgs, Ambassador of Latvia [CHARTE 4374]; Mr. Mitja Drobnic, State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia [CHARTE 4375/00]; Mrs. Antoinette Primatorova, Ambassador, Head of the Bulgarian Mission to the European Communities [CHARTE 4376/00]; Mr. Eugen Dijmarescu, Secretary of State, Head of the Department for European Affairs within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania [CHARTE 4377/00]; Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus [CHARTE 4389/00]; M. Nihat Akyol, Ambassadeur, Délegué permanent de la Mission de Turquie [CHARTE 4390/00]; Slovak republic [CHARTE 4395/00].

- Proposals: Vorshlag zu Artikel 15, vorgelegt vom Initiativkreis für den öffentlichen Rundfunk Köln [CHARTE 4386/00].

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