3ème directive 92/49/CEE du Conseil du 18.06.1992 visant à la coordination des dispositions législatives, règlementaires et administratives concernant l'assurance directe autre que l'assurance sur la vie et modifiant les directives 73/239/CEE ET 88/357/CEE (troisième directive «assurance non vie»)

Documents from 20 September 1990 to 10 November 2014

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Original Reference Code
CM2 CEE, CEEA_1992_00428_002
Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary

Content and Structure


ST_10136_1991_INIT; ST_10249_1991_ADD1; ST_10249_1991_INIT; ST_10250_1991_INIT; ST_10393_1991_EXT; ST_10461_1991_INIT; ST_11143_1997_INIT; ST_15033_2014_INIT; ST_4437_1992_ADD1; ST_4437_1992_COR1; ST_4437_1992_INIT; ST_4506_1992_EXT; ST_4614_1992_INIT; ST_4666_1992_INIT; ST_4793_1992_INIT; ST_4876_1992_INIT; ST_5179_1992_INIT; ST_6685_1992_COR1; ST_6685_1992_INIT; ST_6686_1992_INIT; ST_6686_1992_REV1; ST_7139_1992_INIT; ST_7297_1992_INIT; ST_7687_1992_INIT; ST_9408_1990_INIT

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