Open and Tailored Training Courses for UK Officials

Documents from [2007] to [2011]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary

Content and Structure


Evaluations, programmes and delegate lists 2007-2011 for courses:
European Union Intensive Introduction: to provide participants with a good understanding of how the European Union works, its origins and future developments, how it affects UK policy-making, and an introduction to influencing the major institutions of the EU
European Union Negotiating Skills: to provide participants with a good understanding of how policy is developed in the EU and the role of the institutions: how to devise a cohesive EU lobbying and influencing strategy: and what skills and approaches are needed for successful negotiations in Brussels
Introduction to the EU: Level 1 course for FCO officials: to provide participants with a basic understanding of how the EU works
Introduction to the EU, Part 2: Institutions
Working with the EU – Level II course for FCO officials: to increase the understanding of officials of EU structures and how CFSP and CSDP operate
Comitology in the Food Standards Agency Post-Lisbon
Civil Aviation Authority European Workshop: Engaging with the EU
Overview of the European Union

Conditions of Access and Use



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