European Single Act

Documents from [1985] to [1988]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Becherucci, Andrea

Content and Structure


"Remarques sur les résultats de la conférence intergouvernementale de Luxembourg de l’automne 1985", "L’Acte unique européen: journée d’études (1 March 1986)", "The European Parliament: more or less than a Parliament?" by M.P.C.M. van Schendelen, "Two Faces of Federalism: Monnet, Spinelli and the European Community’s Federal Heritage" by Michael Burgess, "Institutional Reform: Consensus or Majority?" by Joseph Weiler and James Modrall, "The European Parliament beyond traditional parliamentarism: From a Forum to a co-player in decision-making"

Conditions of Access and Use


English, French

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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