Studies on Political Representation

Documents from [1985] to [1992]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Becherucci, Andrea

Content and Structure


Contribution by LC on "Le parole ‘parole’ e le ‘cose’ della rappresentanza", bibliographical essays on the political representation, photocopies of some pages from "La sovranità popolare dal Medio Evo alla Rivoluzione francese" by E. Crosa, "Les anticipations juridiques et politiques" by J.L. Vulliermes, "Parlamentarismus" edited by K. Kluxen, "Responsibility, Rights and Welfare. The Theory of the Welfare State" edited by J. Donald Moon, "Rousseau and Representation" by R. Fralin, "Democracy, State and Justice" edited by D. Sainsbury, "I diritti dell’uomo e altri scritti politici" by T. Paine, "La rappresentanza politica" edited by D. Fisichella, "English Society. Ideology, social structure and political practice during the ‘ancien regime’" by J.C.D. Clark, "La genesi delle istituzioni politiche in Burke" by L. Compagna, "How they lived" edited by A. Briggs, "The Invention of the American Political Parties" by R.F. Nichols, "The Interregnum. The Quest for Settlement" edited by G.E. Aylmer, "Les institutions representatives et la pensée politique italienne" by S. Mastellone, "Il costituzionalismo britannico nel mediterraneo (1794-1818): il modello corso" by C.R. Ricotti, "The foundations of modern political thought" by Q. Skinner

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English, French, Italian

Type of Archival Materials


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