Materials on Edmund Burke’s thought and LC's Doctoral Thesis at the EUI

Documents from [1962] to [1991]

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HAEU Reference Code
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Becherucci, Andrea

Content and Structure


Doctoral Thesis by LC on "Il problema della rappresentanza politica nel dibattito rivoluzionario francese, inglese e americano. Burke, Sieyès e Madison a confronto", June Paper by LC on "Il problema della rappresentanza politica nelle dottrine tra ‘700 e ‘800 in Inghilterra, Francia e Stati Uniti d’America, Seminar Papers by LC on "Fondazione e rifondazioni dell’individualismo metodologico""Citizenship and the Problem of Female Political Representation", "Liberalismo e neo-contrattualismo nella critica italiana" and "The Future of Communism in the European Situation. PCI and the Transformation of Collective Identity" (with M. Calloni), correspondence with the thesis supervisors, S. Lukes and A. Pizzorno, photocopies from "Edmund Burke and the Revolt against the Eighteenth Century" by A. Cobban, "The Origins of Democracy in England" by E. Kiser and Y. Barzel, "Democracy and the American Party System" by A. Ranney and W. Kendall, "La Imposibilida de la politica: holismo radical e immanentismo en la filosofia de la historia de Karl Marx" by R. Maiz, forward by D. Fisichella to Edmund Burke’s "Riflessioni sulla rivoluzione francese", "Divided We Fall: Associational Standing and Collective Interest" by H. Feldman, forward by P. Raynaud to Edmund Burke’s "Réflexions sue la révolution de France", "The Via Moderna, Humanism and the Hermeneutics of Late Medieval Monastic Life" by D. Martin, "«Natural Aristocracy e «Representation» nel linguaggio politico di Burke»" by D. Panizza, "Appunti sul pensiero politico inglese da Bacone alla rivoluzione industriale" by W. Abbondanti and R. Ghiringhelli, "Our Eminent Friend Edmund Burke. Six Essays" by W. Copeland, "Costituzionalismo antico e moderno by C. Howard McIlwain, "Antologia dei costituzionalisti inglesi" edited by N. Matteucci, "Repräsentation und Großgrundbesitz in England 1730-1770" by H. Wellenreuther

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English, French, German, Italian

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