EFTA Relations with Third Countries – Greece 1
Documents from 17 May 1977 to 21 December 1979Identity Statement
1 file
Alonso Fernandez, Juan; Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
Reports on relations between the EFTA countries and the European Community after the access of Greece for meetings of Heads of Delegations , includes: internal memos commenting on an EC Commission document on problems entailed in the accession of Greece to the Communities; Memos on future trade relations between EFTA and Greece, legal aspects related to possible transitional arrangements with the EFTA countries, rules of origin, negotiations between Greece and the Community in terms of agriculture and fisheries (06/1978); Contributions for the paper on Greece for Heads of Delegations with trade figures, tariffs and tariff quotas, imports, economic situation (1978); Draft note by the Secretary General on the relations between the EFTA countries and the European Community after the accession of Greece examining the economic consequences for the free trade relations between the EFTA countries and the Community, to establish a common list of points which the EFTA governments could use in order to ensure the full application of the FTA to trade with Greece as a new member of the EC; Note by the Secretary General on the current economic situation in Greece and the development of its foreign trade; Paper by Charles Müller, EFTA Secretary General providing information on EC Commission proposals concerning transitional arrangements to be applied by Greece for trade in industrial products with third countries (09/1978); Details of tariff treatment granted to Greece and Yugoslavia under the generalised system of preferences; Internal EC documents "Propositions concernant les dispositions transitoires dans le domaine des produits agricoles transformés,COM(79)56; Statistics on Greek imports and Greek trade (07/1979) ; Greek requests for special transitional arrangements on a country by country basis and technical adaptations to the preferential agreements; Calculation of Quotas or the products for which Greece intends to maintain quantitative restrictions towards both the EC and EFTA countries during the transitional period: two possible methods (12/1979)
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English, Greek