Reintroduction of Import Duties - Portugal (2)
Documents from 08 October 1980 to 19 April 1984Identity Statement
1 file
Alonso Fernandez, Juan; Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
includes: Portuguese rights and obligations under Annex G to' the Convention; Note on trade measures applicable upon importation from EFTA countries into Portugal; Notification by the Portuguese delegation or the reintroduction of Portuguese import duties; Prolongation of the standstill in Portuguese obligations. in the tariff field and elimination of import duties; Portuguese accession to the European Community: consequences for EFTA; Draft EFTA decisions concerning Portuguese requests; List of products referred to in paragraph 6 ter of Annex G to the Convention; Import surcharges and duties under Annex G applied by Portugal; Council Regulation (EEC) no. 3328/82 on the conclusion of a Transitional Protocol to the Agreement between the EEC and the Portuguese Republic
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