Consultative Committee 53rd Meeting
Documents from 12 February 1985 to 04 November 1985Identity Statement
1 file
Alonso Fernandez, Juan; Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
File concerning meeting of the Consultative Committee (Geneva, 15-16 October 1985) on the themes of the EFTA countries in the European and World Economic Situation and the likely effects of trade liberalisation on the economics of the LDCs and DCs, with speaking notes, list of participants and agenda, includes documents on observer status at the meeting; Draft annotated paper "The Follow-up of the Luxembourg Declaration"; Draft annotated speeches by participants; UNICE position paper: A New Round of GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations; Report by Mr. Hans Swedberg "The Integration of the LDCs in the open multilateral trading system with special reference to the debt crisis and the EFTA countries; Note on the "New GATT Round"; Note by Antero Tuominen, Confederation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK) on Trade in Agricultural Products; Briefing notes for the use of the Ministerial Chairman; Draft report by Chairman
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English, French, German