Gender studies at the European University Institute

Documents from [1993] to [1995]

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HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg

Content and Structure


The files contains the following documents:

Conference "Feminist Approaches to Law and Cultural Diversity" organised by the Law Department (Yota Kravaritou) and the European University Institute's European Culture Research Centre on 26 and 27/11/1993: programme, list of participants and texts of the following papers:

"A Feminist Critique of Torts" by Leslie Bender, "Une approche féministe de la critique légale du droit à l'égalité" by Eliane Vogel-Polsky, "The Needs of Muslim women and The Dominant Legal Order" by Haleh Afshar, "To Overcome or to Reappraise Formal Equality? Redressing Inequalities, Evaluating Differences" by Letizia Grandformaggio, "A contextual approach to Feminist Jurisprudence in Europe and the USA" by Titia Loenen, "L'affinement de la pensée juridque féministe" by Yota Kravaritou, "Feminism and The Siren Call of Law" by Maria Drakopoulou, "Families of Women Families of Law? Nordic Experiences" by Hanne Petersenand "Including Women, the Problematic Relationship between the women's Movement and the Law" by Ute Gerard.

Background material of the seminar "Women and Men in the Formation of the Labour Market" organised by the European Forum held on 16/02/1994.

Background material of the seminar "La deuxième Simone de Beauvoir" held on 23/02/1994.

Conference "Reflexion on the Concepts of 'Time' and 'Work' from a Gender Perspective" organised by the European Forum (Olwen Hufton and Yota Kravaritou) on 23 and 24/09/1994: texts of the following papers:

"L'assignation aux femmes du travail domestique: quelques raisons d'une acceptation" by François de Singly, "Work time and Flexible Employment in a Gender Perspective" by Thomas P. Boje, "Le temps,catégorie naive ou indicateur des rapports sociaux" by Annette Langevin, "Ways of Defining Feminine Work in XIXth Century Italy" by Simonetta Soldani, "L'intégration des acquis des débats féministes sur l'emploi du temps sexué dans la réflexion actuelle" by Louise Toupin, "The Use of Time in Equality Concepts" by Christa Tobler, "The End of a Timeless Woman-identity. Don't care but share" by Maria Jacoba Gunning, "Care, Gender and Justice: a Gender-sensitive Approach to Social Justice and Citizenship" by Diemut Bubeck, "The Distribution of Work-free-time on the Basis of Merits: a Controversy between Needs and Rights" by Riki Holmaat, "Temps de la reproduction, double présence des femmes, typologies de l'économie du don" by Franca Bimbi, "Caring as Women's Work: Finnish Welfare State in Transition" by Leila Simonen, "L'impact des transformations économiques et politiques sur le rapport des femmes au travail en Pologne" by Jacqueline Heinen, "Politiques familiales et évolution de la notion de 'travail' dans différents pays européens" by Pascale Vielle and "Working Time, Free Time, Time-of One's Own" by Laura Balbo.

Programme, participants and activites 1994-95 (11/1994 and 03/1995) of the "Gender et empoli di temps" study project by the European Forum (Olwen Hufton and Yota Kravaritou).

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