Correspondence with Italian Legal Scholars (VIA-VIV)
Correspondence with Italian Legal Scholars (VIA-VIV)
Documents from 18 June 1962 to 14 May 1986
Identity Statement
Content and Structure
Correspondence with M. Viale, J.R, Vieilletfond, Viggiano, M. Vigni Piani, G. Vignocchi, E. Vignolo, M.R. Vigo, V. Vigoriti, V. Viliani, "Villa I Tatti", "Villa Serbelloni", A. Villani, S. Villari, M. Villone, E. Vinci, P. Virga, M. Viroli, A. Vitale, G. Vitale, E. Vitta, G.R. Vivaldi, R. Vivarelli, A. Viviani
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Type of Archival Materials
Allied Materials
Location of Originals