Conferences and lectures
Documents from [1973] to [1984]Identity Statement
Content and Structure
"Espansione e significato del controllo giudiziario delle leggi nel mondo contemporaneo (Rio de Janeiro and Puerto Rico, 1984), " Le juge et le constitutionnalisme moderne" (Syracuse, Italy, 1973), Seminar on "I precedenti storici del controllo" (Ghent, 1976), Los Angeles Dinner Talk, "Le grandi tendenze evolutive nei sistemi giuridici europei moderni" (Rio de Janeiro, 1981), Lectures in Paris on "Le contrôle des lois" (April 1981) and on "Vers une justice constitutionnelle en Europe?", Lectures on "Judicial Review" held in Los Angeles and Jerusalem (April 1979)
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French, Italian
Type of Archival Materials
Allied Materials
Location of Originals