Meetings of Heads of Delegations of FINEFTA 1961 - 1967
Meetings of Heads of Delegations of FINEFTA 1961 - 1967
Documents from [1961] to [1967]
Identity Statement
1 volume
Alonso Fernandez, Juan; Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
Meetings of Heads of Delegations including Finland, items discussed include: financial contribution of Finland to the budget of the Association, acceleration, tariff negotiations with the six, quantitative import restrictions, de-liberalisation of imports of certain products into Finland, the Dillon Round, accession of Portugal to GATT, Finland and the Lisbon decisions: economic development and agricultural review, trade in fish and other marine products, Norway and the Kennedy Round, Action taken by the UK Government to deal with the balance of payments problems, Anglo-Irish negotiations, EEC discussion on pulp and paper, drawback, export rebates, different price levels for agricultural raw materials, Mandate II: UNCTAD, government aids, dumped and subsidised exports; agricultural cooperation in EFTA, public undertakings, GATT aspects of proposal put forward by Member States.
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French