EFTA/Spain Negotiations Working Groups 1 - IV
Documents from [1977] to [1978]Identity Statement
1 volume
Alonso Fernandez, Juan; Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
EFTA-Spain documents issued during 1983-1985 (02.02.1983 – 26.09.1985)
EFTA-Spain Joint Committee: developments in trade, trade in Fish, meetings of the sub-Committee on Customs and Trade Matters (after 1985 these documents were discontinued as a result of the accession of Spain to the European Communities)
EFTA/Spain/W documents issued during 1980-83 (06.05.1980 – 12.05.1983)
Draft rules of procedure of the Joint Committee, draft decisions of the Joint Committee, recent statistics on trade between the EFTA countries and Spain, technical customs and origin problems relating to the functioning and application of the EFTA-Spain agreement, discrepancies between EFTA countries’, developments of trade between EFTA countries and Spain, Spain system for the fixing of assessment bases and of types of border tax adjustments, trade in fish between EFTA countries and Spain in 1978-79
Decisions of the EFTA/Spain Joint Committee issued during 1980-1984
Basic duties on processed agricultural products, amendments to lists A and B of Annex III to the Agreement (these documents were discontinued after the accession of Spain to the EC)
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French