Deputies' Items 1965
Documents from 12 January 1965 to 20 December 1965Identity Statement
1 volume
Alonso Fernandez, Juan; Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
Records of meetings of Joint Deputies, items discussed include: different price levels for agricultural raw materials, annual review of trade in agricultural goods, draft international law for commercial travellers, establishment, drawback, revenue duties, questionnaire on EFTA foreign investment, UK export rebate scheme, draft EEC directive on insurance, consignment rule, non-tariff barriers to trade, study on border charges, government procurement policies: US’s congressional Record, 3/5/65, industrial standardisation, Portuguese iron and steel industry, export tax on sardines in olive oil, Anglo-Irish Trade Agreement; Meeting so Committees: Consultative Committee; EFTA information for universities in Eastern and Western Europe.
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French