Documents of the Economic and Social Committee 1975-1978

Documents from 03 December 1975 to 15 December 1978

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Original Reference Code
EFTA/CSC/ES 1/75-24/78
Extent and Medium

1 volume

Reference Archivists

Alonso Fernandez, Juan; Carr, Mary

Content and Structure


Notes by the Secretariat: contributions from Finland, Norway, Portugal, Sweden to the study on developments in employment and unemployment in Finland: Ministry of Labour, Employers’ Federation and Trade Unions; Labour force participation rates; Economic developments in Switzerland (note by J. Jucker, Swiss Delegation); The employment situation in Norway: an evaluation by the Norwegian Federation of Trade Unions ; Current Economic Situation in Sweden: contribution by the Swedish Employer’s Federation; Current employment situation in Portugal from the Confederation of Portuguese Industries; The present economic situation in Finland "The vicious circle in the economy: inflation, unemployment, balance of trade – how to escape it"; Study concerning the maintenance of full employment, including the effects of international monetary developments; The economic situation in Switzerland; The Norwegian economy in 1976-77; The economic situation in Finland, Dec 1976; The current employment situation in Portugal, Dec 1976; Recent international economic developments; The current economic situation and prospects in Finland: note by the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions; The international situation and prospects; The economic situation in EFTA countries: country notes; A note on exchange rates; European market and interest rate developments; Council of Europe resolution 665(1977) on EFTA activities; The relationship between wage fixing and floating exchange rates; Direct government aids to industries in Finland; The influence of exchange of rate systems on inflation rates and wage developments in Norway; Direct government support to Austrian industry; Government aids; Direct measures for support to specific industries or groups of companies and the role of export and import prices in the incomes formation process : confederation of Portuguese industries.

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English, French

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