EFTA Working Documents 1962 (1-56)
Documents from 09 January 1962 to 19 November 1962Identity Statement
1 volume
Alonso Fernandez, Juan; Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
Concerning: Reports of working party on quantitative import restrictions, reports from the EFTA information office, Washington: article from the Washington Post (Robert H. Estabrook) supporting the neutrals "Sweden and EEC: Fuzzy Solution". Speech by British Ambassador, Sir David Ormsby Gore, in New York, 15/2/62 where he dealt on some of the problems facing Britain in her negotiations with EEC; Internal taxes : replies to questions; Draft interim report of the Working Party: internal taxes, export duties and quantitative import restrictions; Austrian global quotas 1962/63; Second annual report; Report of Consultative Committee third meeting, Copenhagen, 24-25 May 1962; Draft communique from the ministerial meeting of the EFTA Council, Copenhagen 21-22 June 1982; Information furnished by member states to the 20th session of the contracting parties to the GATT: EFTA and the FINEFTA Association; Note by the secretariat: revenue duties in which the protective element is to be eliminated in accordance with article 6(3)(b)(ii) of the convention; Note on origin criteria subject to a time limit; Note by the secretariat on the "Present position of EFTA States with regard to the liberalisation of capital movements"; Revenue duties for which early elimination of protective element is of special interest; Note de la Délégation Suisse sur les Taxes interieures sur les boissons alcooliques; Revised note by the Working Group on the Proposed solution for the Austrian-Portuguese Dispute concerning Imports of Nitrogenous Fertilisers into Portugal.
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English, French