Science and Steering Committee Meetings 2005

Documents from 06 April 2005 to 25 October 2005

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Bonini, Gherardo; Borchi, Fabrizio

Content and Structure


Lists of participants and members, minutes and annexed reports, budgetary documents and presentations with CD of the 106th meeting of Science and Steering Committee held in Wabern (Switzerland) from 06/04 to 08/04/2000. Relevant subjects: action points, Science Committee Meeting: GI research and professional activities in Switzerland, reports from the Commissions, Report of the Working Group on Standards, Proposals for new projects: 3D City Modelling, DirecTRUST Georeferencing Reliability-phase 0, reports from taskforces education services, snapshots of photogrammetry, data quality and standards; Steering Committee Meeting: EuroSDR Legal Status, research collaborations and persepctives (INSPIRE, EGIN-European GI network, Think Tank on Core Data needs, EuroSDR Research Perspectives, EuroSpec Development, EuroSDR Membership Update, EuroSDR Operational Planning 2005), administration and budget.
Lists of participants and members, decisions summary minutes and annexed reports, budgetary documents and presentations of the 107th meeting of Science and Steering Committee held in Nicosia from 24/10 to 25/10/2005. Relevant subjects: action points, Science Committee Meeting: GI Applications and Challenges, reports from the Commissions, review of Rolling Research Plan 2004-2006 and an introduction to the process towards a new plan; Steering Committee Meeting: legal status, auditors’ report, budget realisations, proposal for dissolution of OEEPE, decisions on the sharing of assets and resources between OEEPE and EuroSDR, reports from the task forces, administration

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