IUE 272/98 - IUE 296/1998
Documents from [10/1998] to [11/1998]Identity Statement
Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
The file contains the following official documents:
- IUE 272/98 (CS 9): High Council. Draft minutes of the 51st meeting held on 11-12 June 1998.
- IUE 273/98 (CA 219): Proposition of the Selection Committees for the Chairs in Legal Theory and Private International Law.
- IUE 274/98 (CA 220): Proposition of the Selection Committee for the Chair in European Community Law.
- IUE 277/98 (CA 223): Provisionnel calendrier académique 1999.
- IUE 278/98 (CA 224): Setting up of a dissertation committee for Filip Tuytschaever.
- IUE 295/98 (CA 212): Conseil académique plénier. Compte rendu de la 255ème réunion plénière du 17 juin 1998.
- IUE 296/98 (CA/OJ 216): Conseil académique plénier. Projet d’ordre du jour de la réunion plénière du 17 juin 1998.
- IUE 296/98 (CA 241) R: Proposition of nomination of Motty Perry as part-time Professor.
Nota Bene: IUE 275-276/98 and IUE 279-294/98 missing.
Conditions of Access and Use
Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish