IUE 1/94 - IUE 22/1994
Documents from [01/1994] to [02/1994]Identity Statement
Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
The file contains the following official documents:
- IUE 1/94 (CS 1): Note on the state of ratification of the Convention revising the Convention - setting up a European University Institute.
- IUE 2/94 (OJ/CA 1): Conseil académique plénier. Projet d'ordre du jour de la 213éme réunion du 19 janvier 1994.
- IUE 3/94 (CA2): Setting up of a dissertation committee for Cristina Benninhaus.
- IUE 4/94 (CA3): Setting up of a dissertation committee for Sarah Jarvis.
- IUE 5/94 (CA 4): Setting up of a dissertation committee for Elena Stancanelli.
- IUE 6/94 (OJ/CA 5) R: Conseil académique restreint. Projet d'ordre du jour de la 213ème réunion du 19 janvier 1994.
- IUE 7/94 (CA 6) R: Commission d'évaluation pour la demande de renouvellement du contrat de Professeur Renaud Dehousse.
- IUE 8/94 (CA 7) R: Proposition of nomination of James Mirrlees as part-time Professor.
- IUE 9/94 (CA 8) R: Proposition of appointment of Wolgang Kilian as Visiting Fellow.
- IUE 10/94 (CA 9) R: Proposition of appointment of Henry Hansmann as Visiting Fellow.
- IUE 11/94 (CA 10) R: Proposition of appointment of Andrzej Munko as Visiting Fellow.
- IUE 12/94 (CA 11): Setting up of a dissertation committee for Enric Porqueres I Gené.
- IUE 13/94 (CA 12): Proposition of nomination of Anna Triandafillydou as Research Assistant.
- IUE 14/94 (CA 13): Proposition of contract renewal for Paul Statham.
- IUE 15/94 (CA 14): Proposed Committee for the joint appointment (A3/A4) between the Schuman Centre and the Economics Department.
- IUE 16/94 (CA 15) R: Proposition of nomination of Laurence Cole as Research Assistant.
- IUE 17/94 (CA 16): Conseil académique plénier. Compte rendu de la 213éme réunion du 19 janvier 1994.
- IUE 18/94 (CA 17) R: Conseil académique restreint. Compte rendu de la 213ème réunion du 19 janvier 1994.
- IUE 19/94 (Col. 1): EUI Colloquium Papers "The First Attempt to Enlarge the European Community, 1961-63". "A Slow One Hundred and Eighty Degree Turn: British Policy towards the Common Market, 1955-1960" by Richard Griffiths.
- IUE 20/94 (Col. 2): EUI Colloquium Papers "The First Attempt to Enlarge the European Community, 1961-63" Conference Programme.
- IUE 21/94 (Col. 3): EUI Colloquium Papers "The First Attempt to Enlarge the European Community, 1961-63". "British Policy and the First Application to the EEC, 1961-1963" by Anne Deighton.
- IUE 22/94 (Col. 4): EUI Colloquium Papers "The First Attempt to Enlarge the European Community, 1961-63". "Le Choix de la Petite Europe par la France, 1957-1963: Une Ambition pour la France et pour l'Europe" by Gérard Bossuât.
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Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish