Correspondence (3)
Documents from 13 June 1988 to 04 July 1988Identity Statement
Content and Structure
Mainly incoming correspondence file but some miscellaneous documents.
Includes: Note to Commissioner Sutherland from Director General for Competition, M. Caspari on the second consultation of the Advisory Committee on the draft regulation on the application of Article 85(3) of the Treaty to categories of franchising agreements. Working document on the freedom of professional footballers, rapporteur Mr. Janssen Van Raay (EP). Letter from the International Civil Airports Association, European Community Bureau concerning public procurement and the excluded sectors. Written procedure on Napier Brown – British sugar. Karlspreis award speech by the honorable Henry A. Kissinger, West Germany, 28 May 1987. Complaint sent to the Commission of the EC, DG for Competition against Grand Metropolitan Plc, Allied Lyons Plc, Guinness Plc submitted by the Irish Distillers Group Plc.
Pamphlet on the free movement of goods in the Single Market
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French, German