Relations with Japan 1986
Documents from 25 October 1985 to 16 December 1986Identity Statement
Content and Structure
File concerning Japan’s relations with the EEC in 1986 and EC-Japan trade with reports of meetings, briefs, notes includes: details of Japan’s direct overseas investment in FY 1985. Note on proposal for the creation of an EEC-Japan industrial cooperation centre. Note on labour issues in Japan from the delegation of the Commission of the European Communities. Paper by Woehrling (DG II) "L’avenir de l’Europe et le Japon". Copy of Ambassador Kagami’s speech – CEPS advanced policy forum speech, 6 June 1986. Motion for Resolution on Trade and Economic Relations between EC and Japan. Outline of the procedures for the promotion of economic structural adjustment, 1 May 1986 for the Ministerial Conference on Economic Measures. Summary of speech by Sutherland at the Ireland-Japan Economic Association in Dublin advocating a broader base of relations between the EC and Japan. Progress report on the implementation of the action programme for improved market access (four sectors including tariffs). Documents on procedures and conditions for low-interest loans to small and medium enterprises affected by the sharp appreciation of the Yen. Report "Getting America Ready for Japanese Science and Technology" report by the ASIA program of the Wilson center. Paper marked confidential (removed until further notice) : Achievements of the Trade Expansion Committee, January 1986. Etat des relations CEE-Japon au lendemain des Consultation a haut niveau (7-9 juillet). Progress report on the implementation of the Action Programme of the improvement measures concerning standards, certification and import procedures. Report on comprehensive economic measures. Note to Commissioner – Japan, Europe and the International Economy. Resumé du rapport du Comite Consultatif sur la restructuration economique pour une harmonnie international (Report of the Advisory Group on Economic Structural Adjustment for International harmony submitted to PM Mr Yasuhiro Nakasone.
COM(86)60 final, 6 March 86: EC-Japan Relations and notes etc on this and its preparation, COM(86)171, 3 April 86: Monetary Relations, COM(85)574, 15 Oct 1985: analysis of relations Parliamentary questions.
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English, French