Merger Control V

Document date: [09/1987]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary


Document Open Since
1 Jan 2017

Content and Structure


Documents concerning merger control (control of concentrations between undertakings) with copies from OJ includes: Folder with (I) speaking notes: (1) current status of Community merger control (2) Notes sur le contrôle des concentrations et politique industrielle (3) Base juridique du règlement (4) application parallèle du droit communautaire et d’un droit national (5) application sectorielle (6) entreprises publiques (7) questions de procédure (8) interférence et l’article 86 (9) Assessment of mergers under Article 86 (10) modifications envisageables (11) alternative solutions for ensuring Community control of merger in the event of the withdrawal of the current proposal for a regulation.
(II) 16th report on competition policy. Work of committees and working parties.
(III) Economic background: some figures, the economic case for European merger control, the "Padoa-Schioppa Report"
(IV) Problèmes specifiques aux Etats membres: France, Italy, UK, Netherlands.
(V) Procès verbaux: Comité des reprèsentants permanents les 10/11 juin 1986, SG(86)489, Rapport du groupe des questions économiques au Comité des Reprèsentants Permanents du 27 mai 1986 (7191/86), PV Working Party on 2 Dec 1985 (11428/85), Internal summary report of the Council's Working Party on Economic Questions, 2 Dec 1985.
(VI) Textes legislatifs et problèmes de fond: consolidated text of original proposal plus three amendments, bases juridiques du règlement.

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English, French, German

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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