European Integration: Collection of documents collated by Max Kohnstamm

Documents from [1963] to [1980]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg

Content and Structure


The file contains the following items:
- "Opinions and Periodical Reading of Leading Industrial and Business Executives in the European Common Market". Report of a survey sponsored by TIME-LIFE International, conducted by ERDOS and MORGAN. New York City, 03/1963.
- "Social Policy fo the EEC Commission. A general survey: achievments and trends at the end of 1967" by J. D. Neirinck (12/1967).
"The Treaty-Making Power of the European Economic Community: Substance or Semantics?" by J. J. Costonis [1967].
"Nota su alcuni problemi relativi alle procedure interne e al regolamento del Parlamento Europeo nonchè alle relazioni del Parlamento con le altre istituzioni delle Comunità". considerazioni e proposte del presidente M. Scelba (15/10/1970).
"Les européens et l'unification de l'Europe". Analyse des résultats d'une enquête par sondage menée en février-mars 1970 dans les six pays de la Communauté européenne par la direction générale de la Presse et de l'information de la Commission des Communautés européennes (06/1972).
"Les pouvoirs de gestion de la Commission". Rapports de G. Olivier et J. D. B. Mitchell (Novembre 1972).
"La Commision, gardienne des Traités" de W. Much (Novembre 1972).

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