Printed brochures and leaflets
Documents from [1976] to [2005]Identity Statement
Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
The file contains the following items:
"Guide pour les lecteurs" (1976).
"Guide for Readers" (1977).
"Guide for Readers" (1978).
"Report of the Librarian 01/10/1975 to 30/09/1977".
"Report of the Librarian 01/10/1977 to 30/09/1979".
"A Bibliographic Introduction (Occasional Paper No. 1)" (1978).
"Introduction à la classification Decimale Dewey (Guide bibliographique no. 2)" (1978).
"An Annotated List of Abstracts and Indexes (Bibliographic Guide no. 1)". (1978).
"Basic Guide to Library Users" (1983).
"Guide to the Microform Collections" (1984).
"News from the Library" (30/06/1988).
"A Guide to the Political and Social Science Collections" (August 1991).
"A Guide to the Interlibrary Loan Service" (1992).
"A Guide to Statistics in the EUI Library" (April 1992).
"Guide to the European Documentation Centre" (September 1992, reprint 1995).
"Library rules" (1997).
"Basic guide for library users" [s.d.].
"A Guide to the Periodicals Collection" [s.d.].
"Guide to the European Documentation Room" [s.d.].
"Guide to the Law Library" [s.d.].
"Library Access Policy for EUI-associated Members and External Users" (2005).
"Working Papers as from January 1990"
"Working Papers as from January 1994"
"Working Papers as from January 1997"
"Working Papers as from January 1998"
Conditions of Access and Use