878th Commission Meeting - COM(87) PV 878
Documents from [1987] to 10 June 1987Identity Statement
Content and Structure
Draft minutes of the 878th Commission meeting, principal elements discussed: Telecommunications – development of the common market in services and equipment. ECSC – conversion measures in the steel industry. Butter stocks disposal programme – financial implications for Spain and Portugal of regulation No. 801/87. Preparations for UNCTAD VII. Relations with non-member countries – Cyprus, corrigenda.
Note on meeting of Chefs de Cabinet and memo for Members of the Commission on results of weekly Chefs de Cabinet’s meeting.
Notes for Commissioner : information note on June session of the EP 15-19 June 1987, report of weekly GAP, 1987 steel measures, report on Special Chefs, Green Paper on Telecommuniations, financial impact of butter disposal – measures on Spain and Portugal. Communiation de M. Le President Delors, Mr. Ripa di Meana et M. Sutherland, concernant le rapport interimaire de la Commission institutionnelle du PE sur la strategie du Parlement en vue de la creation de l’Union Européenne. Speaking note : Franco-Egyptian case. Statement of East-West relations
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