
Documents from [1940] to [1993]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
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Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary

Content and Structure


Reports, articles, and papers concerning Jean Monnet and Europe by different authors, includes, text of the declaration of the Action Programme for the United States of Europe, May 1950. - Aide-memoire from Armand, Etzel, and Giordani, Euratom Wise Men, to the Secretary of State and Louis Strauss, Chairman of the AEC. - Working paper entitled "Industrial Development in the European Common Market" by Comite d'Action pour les Etats-Unis d'Europe. - Paper by [Duchêne] on General Charles de Gaulle's method of Government. - Speech by Winston Churchill at Zurich University. - Analogy of the method and philosophy of Jean Monnet. - Paper by Duchêne, "Britain and Europe Objections to Objections". - Remarks by de Gaulle at a press conference concerning the UK's application for membership of the EC. - Information from Agence Internationale d'Information pour la Presse, in on Monnet's centenary with article by Duchêne "The Jean Monnet Method". - Speech by Duchêne at 2nd annual Monnet lecture at NIHE, Limerick, Ireland, entitled "La Double Séduction de Jean Monnet". - Paper by Pierre Gerbert, Maître de Conférences a l'Institut d'Etudes Politiques des Pais, "L'Example du Plan Schuman". -[Extract from book "The first Europe" regarding Monnet. Document marked confidential, "La Négociation Européenne : les Conditions son Succés" by François Fontaine.

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English, French

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