Failure of EDC Treaty
Documents from 17 October 1952 to 18 August 1954Identity Statement
Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
File concerning the faltering of the EDC Treaty, due to failure of France to ratify, particularly with reference to problems caused by France's preoccupation with the war in Indochina, includes, memo regarding US policy in event of non-ratification of EDC and contractuals. - Memo of conversation between Dean Acheson and Jean Monnet re. need for US statement supporting unification of Europe and Treaty ratification. - Letter from Bonn Mission to Dept. of State regarding committment of new French Government EDC Treaty. Recommendation designation David Bruce as US observer to EDC and US represenative to ECSC. - Letter from John Foster Dulles to Eisenhower asking that Monnet be invited as State guest to US. Letter from Bruce to Dulles on France's real intentions on EDC and what Bidault proposed to do in way of making a public committment on European policy. - Information on Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's continued committment to EDC ratification. - Details of conversation between Secretary of State, General MacArthur, Ambassador Bohlen, Molotov and Gromyko, whereby the Russians were told that an European army was best device for preventing the revival of German militarism and threatening Soviet security. - Letter from Dulles to Secretary of State on need for Bidault to be on guard should Indochina destroy EDC. - Information from Dulles for President on need for US assurances for EDC. - Note from President regarding Dulles' frustration with Bidault, informed British of gravity of situation and possible collapse of France over Indochina. - Text of address by Ambassador Douglas Dillon on status of Treaty ratification, with only France and Italy delaying. - Mendès-France's efforts to push for EDC ratification but surrounded by anti-EDC people.
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The originals are held in various Archives in Europe and in the USA