Financing of Plan
Documents from 10 September 1945 to 02 August 1946Identity Statement
Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
Material relating to the financing of the Plan and negotiations with the US on loans, includes: State Department memo on Jean Monnet's request for loan Export-Import Bank, Dept. considering asking French Government to agree to an interim policy statement under which France would agree to follow non-discriminatory policies in fields of trade, payments and investment. - Letter from Monnet to William Clayton, Assistant Secretary of State, endorsing memo, suggests certain modifications to notes on commercial policy, as French need long-term loans, need firstly to know extent of financial assistance required before any commercial policy commitments could be undertaken. - Letter to American Embassy Paris from William Byrnes, State Dept. regarding Monnet's request to discuss issue of further credits, could lead to kind of negotiations US having with Britain. - Information on ExImbank loan to France for purchase in US of specified goods, preparations for loan negotiations, desperate economic situation in France , Blum's visit to US with Monnet regarding loan, reports on meetings on loan between US and French officials. - Declaration made by US President and Blum regarding agreements forFrench reconstruction and commercial policy: - Letter from Caffrey to Secretary of State detailing benefits to France as a result of agreements reached after Blum mission.
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English, French
Allied Materials
The originals are held in various Archives in Europe and in the USA