Developing of New Governance
Documents from [1994] to [1999]Identity Statement
Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
File consists of various material pertaining to the development of new structures in the relations with East-European countries.
It contains:
List of participants, summary of proceedings and working paper (in German) of the 'Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung' colloquium on "Parliament, Council and Commission in an enlarged European Union" held on 17/03/1994. "Quatro Puntos de Vista Sobre la Union Europea" by J. Solana Madariaga, E. Balladur, 'Grupo Parlamentario CDU/CSU and J. Major in 'Instituto de Cuestiones Internacionales y Politica Exterior' publications (11/1994). "L'équilibre entre les Etats members" by 'Charlemagne' (pseudonym d'un groupe de fonctionnaires du Secrétariat général du Conseil de l'Union proches collaborateurs de M. Ersboll) [1994]. "Scenarios Europe 2010. Five Possible Futures for Europe" by G. Bertrand (coord), A. Michalsk and L.R. Pench from the European Commission's 'Forward Studies Unit' (07/1997).
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French, German, Spanish
Allied Materials
Nota bene: No documents for 1995 and 1998