Vietnam. Documents et témoignages littéraires
Documents from [1971] to [1984]Identity Statement
HAEU Reference Code
Extent and Medium
Physical Medium
Reference Archivists
Becherucci, Andrea
Content and Structure
Aprés l'inondation de Nguyen Manh Tuan. 1982
Contes populaires:satire et humour dans l'ancien Vietnam. 1983
Glimpses of Vietnamese classical literature. 1972
Ho Xuan Huong ou le voile déchire de Huu Ngoc et Francoise Correze. 1984
Little da of Vietnam de story by Katsumoto Saotome. 1974
La lumière qui ne s'eteint pas de Le Hang. 1982
Noi o va lam viec, cua chu tich ho chi minh, tai phu chu tich. 1984
Orchideés des forets bruleés. 1982
We promise one another :poems from an Asian war. 1971
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French, Italian
Type of Archival Materials
Allied Materials
Location of Originals