Dessins-calqués illustrant les interventions de Gibellieri au cours de séminaires et journées d'étude

Documents from 29 May 1995 to 11 February 2000

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Becherucci, Andrea

Content and Structure


Entre autres:
"La ricerca siderurgica in Europa", (Castel Romano, 02/03/1998)
"La politica sociale dell'Unione europea", (Bergamo, 11/02/2000)
"Ten years of transformation in the italian steel sector, 1987-1997"
"How to improve the image of steel in the European Union, (Luxembourg, 17/09/1998)
"L'evoluzione futura della CECA: uno sguardo d'insieme ai problemi della ricerca, (Villalago, Terni, 10/09/1998)
"The future of steel", (Milan, 04-05/05/1998)
"La ricerca CECA prima e dopo l'anno 2002 data di scadenza del Trattato, (Rome, 29/05/1995)

Conditions of Access and Use


English, French, Italian

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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