Interview with Kohlhase, Norbert
From the The European Commission 1958-1973. Memories of an institution CollectionIdentity Statement
Recorded in 26 May 2004 Strasbourg
Interview by M.-T. Bitsch and M. Rancon in French
Electronic File
EC Council: Empty Chair Crisis (page: 18-21, 56-58)
education, professional career (page: 4-10)
dissemination of Community information: information centre: Switzerland: GATT / Unctad: 1964-1975 (page: 42-51)
promotion of the European idea: Action Committee for United States of Europe (page: 31-33)
Community market: economics: Federal Republic of Germany: 1958-1968 (page: 34-35)
EC Commission: Secretary General: 1958-1987 (page: 18, 22-23, 32)
EC external relations: China: 1973 (page: 3)
dissemination of Community information: EC speaker: 1959-1965 (page: 10-11, 24-27, 37-38)
European civil service: political militant (page: 38-39)
common agricultural policy: France: 1958-1967 (page: 17-18)
Member State - Community relations: Federal Republic of Germany (page: 28-30)
OECD: free-trade area: 1956-1963 (page: 51-55)
Adenauer, Konrad, Colombo, Emilio, Couve De Murville, Maurice, Erhard, Ludwig, Focke, Katharina, Gaulle, Charles De, Groeben, Hans Von Der, Hallstein, Walter, Mansholt, Sicco, Monnet, Jean, Olivi, Bino, Rey, Jean, Schmidt, Helmut, Smoquina, Giorgio, Verloren Van Themaat, Pieter
Relations Area
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