Interview with Albrecht, Ernst
From the Voices on Europe CollectionIdentity Statement
HAEU Reference Code
Interview Informations
Recorded in 07 August 1998 Hannover
Interview by W. Gruner in German
Access Level
Open Transcript, Closed Audio
Electronic File
EAEC Treaty / EEC Treaty: EC Intergovernmental Conference (page: 6-7)
Member State - Community relations: France: Community budget / Empty Chair Crisis / Fouchet Plan / Franco-German axis: 1961-1966 (page: 11-13, 19)
EC competition policy: 1967-1970 (page: 14-15)
EU institutions: principle of subsidiarity (page: 31)
CFSP: European defence identity: human rights (page: 32-33)
domestic policy: Federal Republic of Germany: unification of Germany: Lower Saxony (page: 21-28, 30)
Member State - Community relations: Federal Republic of Germany: unification of Germany (page: 19-20, 23, 28-29)
education, professional career: ECSC Council (page: 2-6)
enlargement of the Community: United Kingdom: Commonwealth / free-trade area: 1958-1963 (page: 8-11)
EC Commission: Hallstein Commission (page: 18-19)
ECSC: High Authority: High Authority contacts with national administrations (page: 6)
domestic policy: Federal Republic of Germany: Lower Saxony: common agricultural policy / regional and local representations by EC (page: 15-17)
Member State - Community relations: France: Community budget / Empty Chair Crisis / Fouchet Plan / Franco-German axis: 1961-1966 (page: 11-13, 19)
EC competition policy: 1967-1970 (page: 14-15)
EU institutions: principle of subsidiarity (page: 31)
CFSP: European defence identity: human rights (page: 32-33)
domestic policy: Federal Republic of Germany: unification of Germany: Lower Saxony (page: 21-28, 30)
Member State - Community relations: Federal Republic of Germany: unification of Germany (page: 19-20, 23, 28-29)
education, professional career: ECSC Council (page: 2-6)
enlargement of the Community: United Kingdom: Commonwealth / free-trade area: 1958-1963 (page: 8-11)
EC Commission: Hallstein Commission (page: 18-19)
ECSC: High Authority: High Authority contacts with national administrations (page: 6)
domestic policy: Federal Republic of Germany: Lower Saxony: common agricultural policy / regional and local representations by EC (page: 15-17)
Cited Persons
Delors, Jacques, Gaulle, Charles De, Groeben, Hans Von Der, Hallstein, Walter, Jaspers, Karl, Mitterrand, François, Monnet, Jean, Mozer, Alfred, Sahm, Ulrich
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