Interview with Richard, Ivor

From the The European Commission 1973-1986. Memories of an institution Collection

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HAEU Reference Code
Interview Informations

Recorded in 21 October 2010
Interview by Piers Ludlow

Access Level
Open Transcript, Closed Audio

Electronic File



Au cours de l'interview le témoin a abordé les sujets suivants : Appointment process; allocation of portfolios (night of the long knives); social policy; non-reappointment as Commissioner; Labour party views of Europe; formality of Brussels; linguistic balance; Thorn Commission problems; small and medium size enterprises; Vredeling Directive; British Budgetary Question; European Social Fund; social partnership; French/UK legal traditions; Falklands war; Ian Gilmour; Margaret Thatcher; Joel Barnett; Gaston Thorn; John Palmer; Christopher Tugendhat; Geoffrey Howe; James Callaghan; Roy Jenkins; Aneurin Hughes; Karen Fogg; Sue Binns; François Ortoli; Etienne Davignon; Finn Gundelach; Willy Haferkampf; Karl-Heinz Narjes; Henk Vredeling; Barbara Castle; Michael Foot; Eric Heffer; Rhodri Morgan; Roy Hattersley; Michael O'Kennedy; Edward Heath; Hywel Ceri Jones; Lorenzo Natali; Emile Noël; David Williamson; Claude Cheysson; Georgis Contogeorgis; Raymond Burke; Otto Lambsdorff; Edgard Pisani; Frans Andriessen; Claude Villain; Roland Tavitian

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