Beseler, Hans-Friedrich
1935 (Münster (DE))Description Area
1946-1955 Paulinum/Schillergymnasium, Münster, Reifezeugnis (études secondaires)
1955-1959 University of Münster, Referendar (1959), Dr. Jur. (1961)
1956 Faculté de Droit, Paris
1956 Sorbonne, Paris, Diplôme de langue française.
1959-1963 Post-university training with various administrations, law firms and tribunals in Germany (Referendar-Ausbildung, Assessor).
1961 Trainee in the EC Commission working in the Cabinet of President Hallstein, the Secretariat-General and the DG for Development.
1964-1966 Auxiliary Agent (1964-1966), General trade questions DGI
1966-1973 Principal Administrator: Instruments of Trade Policy and Bilateral Trade Agreements
1973-1977 Head of Special Service: Formulation of Community-wide imports regimes and negotiating acceptance with the member states (Regulation 926/79)
1977-1982 Head of Division: Instruments of Commercial Policy: (Community’s import and export regimes and negotiation of the revised Anti-dumping Code in the GATT/Tokyo Round), Article 115 policy (safeguard measures).
1982-1994 Directo
1994-1995 DG XV Deputy Director General.
1995 DG III Deputy Director General
1995-1996 DG I Deputy Director General.
1996-1999 DG I Director General
1999-2000 Director General for Trade and the Commissioner Lamy’s chief negotiator for China’s WTO Accession.
2001-2004 Special Adviser to the Commission (Mr. Lamy).
2005 Panel member in WTO Dispute Settlement case 294 : EU vs USA re establishment of dumping on European steel exports.
Relations Area
Beseler, Hans-Friedrich
1935 (Münster (DE))Description Area
1946-1955 Paulinum/Schillergymnasium, Münster, Reifezeugnis (études secondaires)
1955-1959 University of Münster, Referendar (1959), Dr. Jur. (1961)
1956 Faculté de Droit, Paris
1956 Sorbonne, Paris, Diplôme de langue française.
1959-1963 Post-university training with various administrations, law firms and tribunals in Germany (Referendar-Ausbildung, Assessor).
1961 Trainee in the EC Commission working in the Cabinet of President Hallstein, the Secretariat-General and the DG for Development.
1964-1966 Auxiliary Agent (1964-1966), General trade questions DGI
1966-1973 Principal Administrator: Instruments of Trade Policy and Bilateral Trade Agreements
1973-1977 Head of Special Service: Formulation of Community-wide imports regimes and negotiating acceptance with the member states (Regulation 926/79)
1977-1982 Head of Division: Instruments of Commercial Policy: (Community’s import and export regimes and negotiation of the revised Anti-dumping Code in the GATT/Tokyo Round), Article 115 policy (safeguard measures).
1982-1994 Directo
1994-1995 DG XV Deputy Director General.
1995 DG III Deputy Director General
1995-1996 DG I Deputy Director General.
1996-1999 DG I Director General
1999-2000 Director General for Trade and the Commissioner Lamy’s chief negotiator for China’s WTO Accession.
2001-2004 Special Adviser to the Commission (Mr. Lamy).
2005 Panel member in WTO Dispute Settlement case 294 : EU vs USA re establishment of dumping on European steel exports.